Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Moving Truck or Storage Pod? That Is the Question.

     Mr. Weezy and I live in a one-bedroom apartment, so it's not like we're moving a whole house full of stuff.  Though, as I mentioned before, Mr. Weezy never gets rid of anything, so we probably have as much crap as anyone can possibly fit into a one-bedroom place.  We could easily rent a truck or storage pod that would accommodate our stuff, but we also have a car, a truck, and two motorcycles, and that's where the real challenge comes in here.  How do we move all of those vehicles?
     After doing our original research, we were really leaning toward the pod.  I mean, the company delivers the storage unit to you, and once you've filled it up, they pick it up and deliver it to your destination.  Also, it is basically level with the ground, so no going up and down a ramp to load the truck.  It seems much less strenuous than moving with a truck.  Granted, it's a little more expensive, but we figured it would be worth the extra expense because it would make it easier to move the vehicles.  Mr. Weezy could tow the motorcycles with his truck, and I could drive the car.
  But then we found out it could be 10 days between the time the company delivers the pod and the time the pod arrives to our new place.  We are only going to Charlotte, NC, so we could make that drive in a day, two if we wanted to take our time.  That would leave a lot of days with no stuff.  Did you hear that?  That was our little bubble bursting.
   Truck it is, then.  Looks like we are going to have to rent a 24' truck because we are going to take up 8' of that space with the bikes.  Yep, we are going to put the bikes inside the moving truck, which Mr. Weezy will drive.  He is also going to tow his pickup behind the moving truck.  I do not envy him in this endeavor.  Me, I just have to drive the car.  Moving this way is going to be quite an undertaking, I think, but Mr. Weezy especially thinks it is the most feasible.  It is only about a 10-hour drive to Charlotte from here, but we won't be able to drive real fast (not to mention we don't need any speeding tickets!) with our "big rig," so we will drive about half way the first day, and then complete the trip on the second day.  I think that will also work out better because we will get to Charlotte at a decent hour and while it's still light out.  It's kind of exhausting to think about this move but also very exhilarating.  I don't know if I mentioned this before, but I love change, and I'm always excited at the prospect of moving somewhere new.  My mother claims it is because we moved a lot when I was a kid, so I just got accustomed to moving.  Maybe so.
     We are already packing, even though we are T minus 12 weeks.  And Mr. Weezy continues to work on his plan for what to put where in the truck.  If anyone has moving experiences or advice they'd like to share, please feel free.  I am always open to suggestions.


  1. That is a very common question arises to people who looks for some storage solution while moving from one place to other place and it is very well explained in this post and i would say that whatever you chose either pods storage or any other storage solution or shipping service provider make sure to check for quality and it's feedback before selection to avoid any problems further.

  2. Cassie,
    Thank you for your comment. I like your idea of checking for feedback on companies before choosing one. I think you're right that it could help prevent future problems. Guess I will add that to my "to-do" list!
