Ten Random Facts about Me

  1. I was born in Wisconsin, so yes, I love the Packers, Matt Kenseth, and deep fried cheese curds.
  2. I ride a Harley Davidson Sportster, an Iron 883.
  3. I have a DSLR camera which I swear I will learn to really use one day and then take great pictures.
  4. I am a pretty darn good cook.
  5. I have a bucket list and the item at the top of it is a visit to Glacier National Park in Montana.
  6. I have a terrible fear of heights.
  7. I have two fur kids, whom I adore (and spoil).
  8. While I am partial to flat track motorcycle racing, I love being at the track for all types of motorsports.
  9. Eu falo um pouquinho de português.  Já fui pro Brasil duas vezes--pro Rio e Arraial do Cabo--e adorei!
  10. I will scrimp and save wherever I can to make sure I can go on vacation every year. 

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