Sunday, April 27, 2014

More Job Search Advice from AARP

     Well, as I mentioned in my last post, based on some suggestions from my friends at AARP, I got a much-needed haircut.  Now I look more hip.  Or whatever the current terminology is.  Guess I need to work on the latest slang also., here I come!
     Anyway, knowing (desperately hoping?) that I will be looking for a new job at the end of the summer--and likely competing for said job with a number of younger folks--I am taking all the steps I can now to ensure I'll have a fighting chance to find employment.  I'm gonna be a contender!
     Next AARP recommendation:  get up to date with technology.  Sigh ... It isn't that I'm a technophobe, but frankly, I don't see the point in having to leave an electronic footprint on every social media site for every freaking thing I do.  Sure, I like to put some updates and check ins on Facebook--which I guess at this point is just another indication of my "maturity" since apparently the younger crowd is turning to other social media--but I enjoy being disconnected because that means I can be engaged in whatever I'm doing and whomever I'm with.  However, I need to be prepared, and I trust AARP to give me good advice.
     This blog is part of the technology step.  I still only have the basics down, but over the next several months, I should be able to get a handle on the more sophisticated features of Blogger. Perhaps more importantly, though, I will be doing some writing on a regular basis.  I see writing as one of my strengths, so I want to continue sharpening my skills.  I also see my writing as a big advantage I have over a lot of younger people.  In case you're wondering how I came to that conclusion, keep in mind that my part-time job is teaching college English. 'Nuff said.
     So, what else does one do to keep that technological edge?  Well, aside from Facebook, I am also on Twitter and Instagram.  So far, I have re-tweeted a few things, liked a few Tweets, and written no original Tweets.  Yeah, I'm off to a great start!  It gets even better though.  Yesterday, in an attempt to put my first photo on Instagram, I guess I used my iPhone's camera button and not the Instagram touch screen button to take the picture, so there was nothing to post.  Epic fail!  I obviously need some work in these areas, but there is no reason why I can't learn how to navigate all this social media.  I am, after all, learning new tricks.
     The technology-related thing in which I've invested the largest amount of time--mainly because I think it's the most important--is LinkedIn.  I have a decent profile set up, and I am working on growing my contacts. I even have a profile picture now, and that process was a major undertaking.  I am a complete ham and have always loved getting my picture taken; unfortunately, I'm like the least photogenic person in the world.  Oh, well ... we all have our crosses to bear, right? I will continue to tweak my LinkedIn page as I learn more about how best to sell myself in the job market.  And hey--when I learn new tips, maybe I'll Tweet them.  You can follow me @harlistaweezy so as not to miss any of them!

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