Wednesday, May 21, 2014

There's a Tool for That

     Not every challenge in this process is truly going to require learning new tricks.  I've moved a number of times in my adult life, so much of what I am about to do isn't unfamiliar to me.  There are some differences between this move and others I've made, though.  I'm not going solo this time around; I've got two dogs, two motorcycles, and Mr. Weezy--all things I never had to move before.
     I expect the dogs to be relatively easy.  We are going to the Charlotte, North Carolina area, which is not that far from So Flo, so we are driving/moving ourselves.  That means we will have the dogs with us, so no logistical problems there.
     We (OK--Mr. Weezy) are working on the best way to move the motorcycles.  We also have two vehicles, so we will likely rent a truck that will hold our stuff and the bikes.  Then, we can tow one vehicle and drive the other.  Seems like this will be manageable.
     That leaves Mr. Weezy, who could present the biggest logistical challenge.  You know that expression, "There's an app for that?"  Well, in Mr. Weezy's case, there's a tool for that.  He spends way too much time at Harbor Freight buying stuff because, you know, if he ever wants to do X, he's gonna need Y. On top of that, he almost never throws anything out because, you know, as soon as he does, he's gonna need that thing.  Sigh ...
     Me, on the other hand, I try to keep the amount of "stuff" I have to a minimum.  It is quite liberating to not be weighed down with literal baggage.  I fully experienced this feeling four years ago when I was planning to move out of the country.  I had to get everything I owned into two suitcases and a carry-on, so I had to part with a lot of items.  My plans fell through, and I've accumulated some things since then, but I am no match for Mr. Weezy in this department.
     So, what to do about this situation?  Basically, nothing.  I'm not going to change Mr. Weezy's thinking, and hey--I could do way worse than live with a guy who is a bit of a pack rat.  No, I'm just gonna start those three piles people always suggest when you are trying to get organized or to prepare to move:  sell, donate, and throw away.  I don't expect to see much of a contribution to the piles from Mr. Weezy, but I'm OK with that.  You never know ... I might need him to do Z after we move, and he'll be so happy he is able to do it because he bought Y and didn't throw that thing out.

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