Sunday, March 30, 2014

Wow! I'm Gonna Be a Blogger!

     I have been thinking about starting a blog for some time, but a few things have kept me from doing it until now.
     The first thing was choosing what I wanted to blog about.  Originally, I thought I would write about getting fit in all facets of life—physically, mentally, financially, socially.  However, I am planning on making some big changes in my life this year (such as quitting my jobs and moving out of state, for example), so I decided to write about that instead.  While I am sure many people have plans for substantial life changes in 2014, I am firmly entrenched in middle age, and I expect that to provide some unique challenges during my creation of a new and different life.  Sounds like interesting stuff for a blog, right?
     The second thing that got in my way was the amount of information available on setting up a blog.  It was positively overwhelming.  What will you name the blog?  Will you self-host it?  Do you also want a domain name? What about Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest? Think about your “brand.” How can you make money with your blog?  OMG!  Does blogging really have to be so complicated?  I was just looking for a place where I could do a little writing! So that is what I am going to do.  Write a blog.  Period.  And just a note for those of you considering a blog of your own:  Good luck!  Every name you can possibly think of is already taken.  No, really.
   The last entity that kept me out of the blogosphere until now was the one that prevents us all from doing so much:  time.  I do stay fairly busy working two jobs, but I have always maintained that we make the time to do the things that are important to us, and this blog is important to me for reasons I shall discuss in another post.
     And so begins the story of an old dog who is going to learn some new tricks …